View and Restore Pipeline

Viewing and Restoring Pipeline Versions

Whenever you make a change and save the pipeline, a new version is created and added to the version history. You can view the version history and if necessary, restore an older version.

Note: Version history is not supported in Minio or Redis storage devices.

Follow the steps below to view and restore the versions:

  1. Click on the application from the application dashboard. The Pipelines page with the details of all the pipelines for the selected application is displayed.

  2. Select the Pipeline to be disabled and click Configure.

  1. Select Show Revision History from the Pipeline Actions drop-down as shown below.

3. A window appears, displaying the current version's JSON representation. Click the Revision drop-down to see the older versions as shown below.

4. If you want to compare to any version, select the compare to from drop-down menu as shown below.

5. To restore to the selected version, click Restore this version as shown below.

The pipelien is restored to the selected version.

Last updated