ISD - Commonly used Commands

Basic commands for OpsMx ISD

This document contains a list of basic commands that can be useful when working with OpsMx ISD.

  1. Working with pods

    • kubectl get pods -n <namespace> # to list down pods

    • kubectl delete po <pod-id> -n <namespace> #for deleting the pods

    • kubectl exec -it <pod id> -n <namespace> -- bash # for getting into the pod

    • kubectl scale deploy <deployment-name> -n <name-space> --replicas=0 #for scaling down the pods

    • kubectl scale deploy -n --replicas=1 #for scaling up the pods

    • kubectl describe pod -n # to describe a pod

    • kubectl logs -f -n #to get the running status of a pod

    • kubectl logs -f -n > #to get the running status of a pod into a file

    • kubectl apply -f <filename.yaml> -n #to create a service/secret/job

  2. Working with Secrets

    • kubectl get secrets -n #to get all the secrets

    • kubectl get secret -n -o yaml #to view a particular secret

    • kubectl get secret -n -o yaml #to edit the secret

    • echo -n <encode/decode-content> | base64 -d/-e -w0 #to encode/decode a secret

    • Creating platform secrets

      • kubectl -n get secrets oes-platform-config -o jsonpath=‘{.data.platform-local.yml}’ | base64 -d > platform-local.yml

      If needed, edit the platform-local.yml file

      • kubectl -n delete secret oes-platform-config

      • kubectl -n create secret generic oes-platform-config --from-file platform-local.yml

    • Creating gate secrets

      • kubectl -n get secrets oes-gate-config -o jsonpath=‘{.data.gate.yml}’ | base64 -d > gate.yml

      If needed, edit the gate.yml file

      • kubectl -n delete secret oes-gate-config

      • kubectl -n create secret generic oes-gate-config --from-file gate.yml

    • Creating sapor secrets

      • kubectl -n get secrets oes-sapor-config -o jsonpath='{.data.application.yml}' | base64 -d > application.yml

      If needed, edit the application.yml file

      • kubectl -n delete secret oes-sapor-config

      • kubectl -n create secret generic oes-sapor-config --from-file application.yml

  3. Working with deployments

    • kubectl get deploy -n <namespace> # to get list of all the deployments

    • kubectl get deploy <deployment-name> -n <namespace> -o yaml #to view a particular deployment

    • kubectl edit deploy <deployment-name> -n <namespace> #to edit a deployment

    • kubectl scale deploy <deployment-name> --replicas=0 -n <namespace> #to scale-down a deployment

    • kubectl scale deploy <deployment-name> --replicas=1 -n <namespace> #to scale-up a deployment

    • echo -n <encode/decode-content> | base64 -d/-e -w0 #to encode/decode a deployment

  4. Working with Configmaps

    • kubectl get cm -n # to get the list of all configmaps

    • kubectl get cm -n -o yaml # to get the details of the configmap

    • kubectl edit cm -n # to edit the configmap

  5. Working with services

    • kubectl get svc -n # to get the list of all services

    • kubectl get svc -n -o yaml # to view a service

    • kubectl edit svc -n # to edit a service

  6. Working with the jobs

    • kubectl get jobs -n # to get the list of all jobs

    • kubectl get job -n -o yaml # to view a job

    • kubectl describe job -n -o yaml # to describe a job

    • kubectl edit job -n # to edit a job

    • kubectl delete job -n # to delete a job

  7. To check the ingress

    • kubectl get ing -n # to get the ingress

Last updated

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