Troubleshooting ISD Argo Installation Issues

Most common issues encountered during installation are related to the incorrect parameters given in the file *-values.yaml. As the user realizes there is a mistake committed in *-values.yaml, the easy way to correct it is by following the steps as stated below:

  1. Update the *-values.yaml (or whichever file name you are using).

  2. Wait for the helm install to error out, it is better not to break the process

  3. Simply re-execute the “helm upgrade –install …” using the below command:

    helm upgrade --install <RELEASE NAME> . -n <NAMESPACE NAME> -f minimalargo.yaml

ISD Argo Installation Issues

The following issues can occur when installing ISD Argo.

Agent pods are not connecting:

The log of the agent pod should give the exact reason why it is not connecting.

Remote ArgoCD objects are not in OEA-UI:

The agent configuration in OEA is automatic. No further configuration is required. Once the agent connects to the controller and you have accessed the OEA-UI, tail the agent's logs again. It will show error messages if it cannot fetch the data from ArgoCD. Most common cases are:

  • Incorrect URL

  • Incorrect or expired token.

Local ArgoCD objects are not in OEA-UI:

In the case of ISD-Argo Full Installation, local ArgoCD objects are not appearing. This is the case if automatic configuration fails. Do a manual configuration, following the instructions in agent-service.yaml, but the argoCD URL goes into the carina configuration. Details can be found in the oea-autoconfiguration job and script.

Cleaning up/Delete the installation

Execute the following commands to delete the entire installation from Kubernetes.

Option 1:

Issue these commands, and replace -n option with the namespace

helm uninstall isdargo -n isd-argo
kubectl delete pvc -all -n isd-argo
kubectl delete jobs -all -n isd-argo

Option 2:

Issue these commands, and replace -n option with the namespace

kubectl -n isd-argo delete deploy --all
kubectl -n isd-argo delete sts --all
kubectl -n isd-argo delete svc --all
kubectl -n isd-argo delete ing --all
kubectl -n isd-argo delete cm --all
kubectl -n isd-argo delete jobs -all 
kubectl -n isd-argo delete pvc -all
kubectl -n isd-argo delete secrets --all
kubectl delete ns isd-argo
kubectl get crds | grep -i argoproj
Kubectl delete crd <crd name>  # For each of the crds

For deleting all CRDs related to argoproj, use the below command.

kubectl get crds | grep -i argoproj | cut -f 1 -d " " | xargs kubectl delete crd

Last updated

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