Setup LDAP Authorization for Spinnaker
LDAP Authorization Overview
Groups from an LDAP directory, one can use a manager’s username/password to bind and search a user’s group.
User DNs Pattern
While searching for a user’s groups, can use 'userDnPattern' to construct the user’s full distinguished name (DN). In the case below, the user would have a full DN of 'uid=,ou=users,dc=,dc=<.com/.net>'.
The search would be rooted at 'ou=groups,dc=,dc=net', looking for directory entries that include the attribute 'uniqueMember=uid=,ou=users,dc=,dc=<.com/.net>', which is the structure for the 'groupOfUniqueNames' group standard.
Group/rolename can be extracted by using the 'groupRoleAttribute'. For example, all entries that pass the filter will then have the cn (common name) attribute returned.
Configure LDAP Auth using Halyard
Use Halyard to Fiat, to setup the LDAP manager credentials and search patterns
Now edit the security authorization type, using the below command
Enable, LDAP authorization using the below command
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