OpsMx enables performing Canary Analysis on two separate deployments and provides a comprehensive report on the analysis after. This is typically triggered right after the deployment of the new build.
To start the analysis, trigger the follow API
API for Registering a Canary Analysis
Pameters to be Specified:
application: Name of the Application
beginCanaryAnalysisAfterMins: Time to enable warming up of the container
canaryAnalysisIntervalMins: Intervals in which metric-data is fetched and analysed
**name:** (Important) Specify the Metric-Template name and the Log-Template name
minimumCanaryResultScore: The score under which the Canary Analysis should fail
canaryResultScore: The score above which the Canary Analysis should be a pass
lifetimeHours: The time in hours for which the Canary Analysis should be run
canaryDeployments: Specifies the deployments' information of the Analysis
baseline: The container-id of the base container being compared against
baselineStartTimeMs: The timestamp in Epoch Milliseconds when to start the analysis of baseline container
canary: The container-id of the new container being compared
canaryStartTimeMs: The timestamp in Epoch Milliseconds when to start the analysis of canary container
useLookBack & lookbackMins: The parameter, useLookBack makes the call to indicate either to use lookbackMins or not to calculate the accurate start and end time of the canary analysis.
The new format includes a separate nested structure for baseline and canary deployment details. Optional sections for “log” and “metric” with name of service and the identifier as key-value pair.
To get the Json response as the following, { "canaryId" : {canary-id} }. Ensure to add the below after the application parameters "isJsonResponse": true. In case if basic canary-id response is sufficient, ensure to use the json without isJsonResponse. Which eventually returns the Canary-Id associated with this canary analysis run as the following {canary-id}.