API Reference

Trigger the log/metric analysis

POST /autopilot/api/v3/registerCanary

This API used to triggers the log analysis/metric analysis to fetch the logs/metrics according to the parameters configured in the applications.

Request Body

    // Response

Trigger the approval gate

POST /approvalGates/{approvalGateId}/trigger

This API used to trigger approval gate by Gate ID. It takes input as configured connector details. For example, if a user configured JIRA connector while creating the approval gate, this API will pass the JIRA id(ticket number) when it is triggered.

Path Parameters

Request Body

   "id": 16,
   "approvalGateId": 1,
   "activatedTime": "2021-03-31 11:48:48.684.Z",
   "approvalStatus": {
       "status": "activated"

Get the status of triggered approval gate

GET /approvalGateInstances/{approvalGateInstanceId}/status

This API used to get status and comment about triggered approval gate. The status for approval gate are “not activated”, “activated”, ”approved” and “rejected”.

Path Parameters


Capturing Spinnaker-generated events

POST /oes/echo (oes-spinnaker)

This API used to capture all the echo events generated by Spinnaker. (For Example: To synchronize the application and pipelines when an application/pipeline is created)

Request Body

    // Response

Spinnaker triggers during a pipeline event

POST /auditservice/v1/echo/events/data

This API is called when a spinnaker triggers during a pipeline event. Data is saved in the audit database.

Request Body

    // Response

To validate OPA compliance while creating pipeline

POST /v1/staticPolicy/eval (oes-policy)

This API is used by Spinnaker when creating a pipeline to validate against OPA compliance

Request Body

    // Response

To validate OPA compliance while executing pipeline

POST /v1/data/** (oes-policy)

This API is used by Spinnaker when executing a pipeline to validate against OPA compliance.

Request Body

    // Response

Last updated