Google Cloud Build

Steps to Setup Google Cloud Build

  • This (Cloud Build) is a service that executes builds on GCP infrastructure. Cloud Build can import source code from GCS, Cloud Storage Repo’s, GitHub or BitBucket and execute a build as per the configurations and provide artifacts such as Java archives or docker containers.

  • Using this CI system on Spinnaker, enables Spinnaker to trigger pipelines upon completion on builds.

  • Prerequisites:

    1. Ensure to have a valid GCP with a Cloud Build API. API can be enabled with the gcloud command as below

      gcloud services enable
  • Configure Spinnaker for Google Cloud Build Pub/Sub Notifications:

  • Google Cloud Build sends Build Notifications when the state of your build changes. Create a pipeline trigger to invoke a pipeline based on the status of your build.

    1. Create a Subscription Object for the cloud-builds topics in your project

      gcloud pubsub subscriptions create $SUBSCRIPTION_NAME \
      --topic projects/$PROJECT_ID/topics/cloud-builds \
      --project $PROJECT_ID
    2. Configure Google Cloud Build for Spinnaker, using Halyard by executing the following command

      hal config pubsub google subscription add $SUBSCRIPTION_NAME \
      --project $PROJECT_ID \
      --subscription-name $SUBSCRIPTION_NAME \
      --message-format GCB
      hal config pubsub google enable
    3. Deploy Spinnaker post execute Steps #1 & #2

      hal deploy apply
    4. Steps to Configure Google Cloud Build Pipeline

      • In your Pipeline configuration, click the Configuration stage on the far left of the pipeline.

      • Click Automated Triggers.

      • In the Type field, select Pub/Sub.

      • In the Pub/Sub System Type field, select google.

      • In the Subscription Name field, select your $SUBSCRIPTION_NAME value.

      • In the Attribute Constraints field, enter status in the Key, and SUCCESS (all upper case) in the Value field.

      • In the Payload Constraints field, you can enter any of the top-level fields from the Build object documentation as the key, and a Java regular expression as the value.

      • In the Expected Artifacts field, you can add any build artifacts as expected artifacts. For example, if the build produces a Docker image, you can add an expected artifact of type Docker with a value of application:tag (replacing my-project-id, my-application, and tag with appropriate values). You can then use the produced image in downstream stages.

Last updated

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