OES 3.5.X Release Notes
This Version is deprecated
The below versions are deprecated.
Version 3.5 (07th February 2021)
Spinnaker Version : 1.22.2
New Features
Synchronization of application from Spinnaker.
Import the existing applications and pipeline from the Spinnaker in to OES 3.5.
Multiple Approval and Verification gates.
Add one or more Approval and Verification gates in to the imported pipelines of Spinnaker.
Define custom environment/group for the inserted gates.
Visualize the Spinnaker pipeline in the OES.
The inserted Approval and Verification gates are pushed to Spinnaker for execution.
Custom stage in Spinnaker for Approval and Verification gates.
Customer stage definition in Spinnaker for the insertion of Approval and Verification gates.
New Integrator for Approval gate.
AquaWave of AquaSec as another approval gate tool chain.
New monitoring tools integration for automated verification.
AWS Cloudwatch Logs.
Splunk Logs.
Pipeline view of the application dashboard.
The App dashboard is revamped to show the pipeline view of individual application.
High level application summary line - Deployments, Approvals, Policy violation and Verification failure.
Ability to choose the history duration - 1 day, 7 days, 1 month and 6 months.
Ability to navigate to the Approval and Verification gates from pipeline.
Logical grouping of the different gates based on the environment.
Simplification of invocation of verification gate.
All the attributes needed for the verification like, the baseline & new release identifier and time stamp are captured in the template itself.
Simplified JSON for trigger with just the application anime to be the mandatory attribute.
Configuration changes to enable/disable spinnaker in OES.
A new agent for kubernetes is introduced to communicate between Spinnaker and an isolated remote cluster.
A new controller as OES-SAPOR is introduced to collect information from the agent and provide the secrets to Spinnaker.
A new option as Proxy Remote Cluster is added to define the cluster as remote and enable OES-SAPOR to communicate with the agent and Spinnaker while creating a dynamic account.
When a cluster is defined as remote, OES-SAPOR generates the agent name automatically which is fixed.
OES-SAPOR generates a manifest once a remote cluster is saved. This manifest can be downloaded by a click of a button. The manifest contains the secrets to access the agent.
Fixed Issues
After editing the application and adding a connector duplicate connectors are appearing in the visibility and the approval gate screen.
After editing the application, connectors which are already created are not visible.
Both success score and error message are appearing on the same screen in the verification page.
Java & UI - After reclassification score boxes are not updating until refreshed manually.
Java - Delete integrations (data sources) are not working
Canary run 501 for service OES-visibility has no inputToR.json files.
OES Version string auto update based on build tag.
Known Issues
UI - setup - While creating service throwing invalid service name issue.
UI - Verification - If any application is in in-progress state - unable to change the verification run.
UI - clicks on verification tab - select verification run is not loading and verification URL is showing wrong.
UI - Verification - Change in application/verification run is not affecting the verification (top) URL.
java-setuppage-applications-appsync-pipeline deleted in spinnaker application in spinnaker is not getting affected in OES.
java-setuppage-applications-appsync-click on appsync is not loading new applications from spinnaker in to OES unless we reload the page.
UI - After trigger a canary (manual trigger canary) verification page is not loading with latest analysis results until we refresh page.
Setup page - while adding 3rd service getting Internal Server Error.
UI - Deployment verification - No Applications! error message will stay long time in verification page.
UI - No validations for approval gate.
UI - Analysis failed with error message - Handle correlation section along with log analysis.
Version 3.5.1 (24th February 2021)
Spinnaker Version : 1.24.4
New Features
Search and sorting feature implemented in app dashboard and default sorting is based on last created/updated.
Pagination is implemented for app dashboard from server side.
Bundled spinnaker version is upgraded to 1.24.4.
PSQL version has been updated to 13.2.
Fixed Issues
Internal Server error while retrieving SonarQube data in Visibility.
Aqua Wave connector is missing in connectors API.
Java - Visibility - Latest API is not taking the latest id information.
UI -Visibility - Reviewed time is showing wrong after activating the gate.
Auto baseline is taking longer time to complete the analysis.
Java - Visibility - Update Jira's with latest epic details and trigger - Jira is not updating with the latest epic.
Known Issues
App dashboard - Click on Verification failures - Services are pointing to same same score (if services having different score).
If there is an in-progress canary run, user is not able to move to other page and application is redirecting the user to the verification itself.
Java - Delete and create same application manual trigger is not working.
UI - Graphs and tabs are not in sync.
Last updated
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