How to Integrate Vault with Spinnaker
About Vault
Vault is a tool for securely accessing secrets. A secret is anything that you want to tightly control access to, such as API keys, passwords, or certificates. Vault provides a unified interface to any secret, while providing tight access control and recording a detailed audit log.
From this document user should be able to do the below
Vault Installation
Vault Configuration with Kubernetes and Spinnaker
Verification of Vault Integration
Vault Installation
The following steps include the deployment of Vault Server on Linux (Ubuntu) in a standalone mode and it is managed by a daemon (called, ‘vault’):
Download the latest version of vault binary zip file from vault release page and unzip it.
Note: Need to download Available latest packages [(] here is a direct link for vault.
Copy vault binary into /usr/bin. This will allow us to execute vault binary system wide.
Create a vault config directory under /etc, a vault data directory and logs directory.
Create a config.json file and add the vault configuration.
To create a vault service file.
To start the vault service.
Login as root and Export VAULT_ADDR environment variable, don’t forget to add this to ~/.bashrc file. Change the IP to you vault server public/private IP.
Execute the below command to Iniate Vault Init file
Note: This command should be executed as a root user.
To check the vault status execute the below command. Output looks like below
Now vault is initiated but sealed.
To unseal the vault, Check the init.file for the vault token's to unseal.
Unseal vault using ‘unseal’ command. There are 5 unseal tokens. You need to execute the unseal command with a minimum of three unseal token to unseal vault.
Vault Configuration with Kubernetes and Spinnaker
We follow the ‘Kubernetes auth method’ for authenticating with Kubernetes service accounts and storing secrets. Configuration of Vault for the ‘Kubernetes auth method’ requires configuring both ‘Vault’ and ‘Kubernetes’. Prerequisites: 1. A running Kubernetes cluster 2. A running vault cluster
Kubernetes auth method setup
Create a service account called 'spin-vault-token' in a specific namespace (ex: vaultspinnaker), that Vault will use it login to Kuberenetes:
Create a clusterrolebinding for the 'spin-vault-token' serviceaccount access:
Then check the secrets by running the below command:
Now, get the JWT, Kubernetes API URL and certificate authority cert from the serviceaccount by running below commands.
VAULT_ACCOUNT_TOKEN is the final JWT token
Now, validate the exported environment variables with the below values
Enable the 'Kubernetes auth method' in the vault and authenticate by running below command (So that configured Vault can talk to Kubernetes API)
Now, configure role and policy. The Kubernetes backend authorizes an entity by granting it a role mapped to a serviceaccount. A role is configured with policies which control the entity’s access to paths and operations in Vault.
Create a new policy spin-policy using an example policy file, ‘policy.hcl’
Above command simply grants the privileges to create/read/delete the secrets in 'spin-hal-path/' path.
Next, create a role for binding the policy to a service account.
Now, authenticate with the role we just created. For that, get the service account token by running the below command
Now, login to the vault with the above token generated from the below command
Copy the Token value from the above login and execute the below command to export it as a Environment Variable
Now, install spinnaker in the same namespaces as vault is created(vaultspinnaker).
Vault Setup Verification
The Vault HTTP API gives you full access to Vault via HTTP. Every aspect of Vault can be controlled via this API. The Vault CLI uses the HTTP API to access Vault.
Login to the ‘spin-halyard’ pod and perform the below curl HTTP API commands for verifying the secrets access from the pod
The following curl request writes a secret, ‘halconfigPath’ with the value,’/root/.hal/config’
The following curl request deletes the secret from the specified path
Above list of curl commands writes the halyard config file(halconfig) as a secret into vault. By converting it into encoded value and creates a JSON file(config.json) and creates a secret with the JSON file.
Encode the config file
Create a JSON file with the name "config.json" and enter the above encoded values into the same.
Store this 'config.json' in the vault by running the below command:
Execute the below command to read back the encoded values from Vault.
By executing the above step, you should be able to verify the decoded config file with the original file.
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