Local Git installation
Local Git installations from Github:
This is suggested if you want to contribute to Spinnaker. For more details click here.
The Local Git installation means Spinnaker will be cloned, built, and run on the same single machine where Halyard is run on.
Install local dependencies
Make sure you have the following software installed on your computer:
git: sudo apt-get install git
curl: sudo apt-get install curl
netcat: sudo apt-get install netcat
redis-server: sudo apt-get install redis-server
OpenJDK 11 - JDK (we’re building from source, so a JRE is not sufficient)
node (version >=12.16.0, can be installed via nvm , summarized below)
yarn: npm install -g yarn or guide
brew (a package manager for MacOS, can be installed via here , summarized below)
git: brew install git
curl: brew install curl
netcat: brew install netcat
Install: brew install redis
Start: brew services start redis
OpenJDK 11 - JDK (we’re building from source, so a JRE is not sufficient)
node (version >=12.16.0, can be installed via nvm, summarized below)
yarn: npm install -g yarn or guide
Fork all Spinnaker repos
Fork all of the microservices listed here: Spinnaker Microservices on github ( guide ).
Setup SSH keys
Follow these guides to setup SSH access to your github.com account from your local machine:
Generating a new ssh key and adding it to your ssh agent. Refer here.
Adding a new ssh key to your Github account. Refer here.
Required Halyard invocations
Halyard defaults to a Local Debian install when first run. If you will be contributing code to the Spinnaker project, you can change your deployment type to Local Git type and set up your development environment with the latest code.
Refer to the image below (This image is only an example).
In the hal config file, it will be updated as shown in the image below:
Intended use case:
The Local Git installation is intended for developers who want to contribute to Spinnaker. It is not intended to be used to manage any production environment.
See the developer setup guide for a short guide to getting up and running with developing Spinnaker.
Note: Be sure to use the same username here that you forked the Spinnaker repository.
Last updated
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