SlackOps Interactive Notification
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Approving or rejecting Manual Judgement constraints from Slack.
The user can set up SlackOps Interactive notifications in your delivery config, which will enable interactive notifications to a Slack channel of your choice, where you can simply click a button to approve or reject the deployment of the artifact into the environment.
There are two ways to create a Slack app as mentioned below. Users can choose any one of the methods to create an application.
Create an application From Scratch
Create an application From an app manifest
Go to this URL and proceed with the below steps.
Click Create an App
2. Click on From scratch in the pop up window as shown below:
3. Type your App Name and Pick a workspace to develop your app in from the dropdown and then click Create App.
4. Click on Interactive Components to Configure Spinnaker gate Callback API Endpoint in Slack.
5. Turn on interactivity and enter the Spinnaker gate url in the Request URL column and then click Save Changes. For Example: (https://<your-domain-name>/notifications/callbacks/slack).
6. Click OAuth & Permissions from the navigation menu and scroll down to find the Scopes and then click Add an Oauth Scope.
7. For bot token select users:read,, chat:write from the drop down.
Your application is now ready to be installed in the workspace and added to Slack channels.
Go to this URL and proceed with the below steps.
Click Create an App
2. Click on From an app manifest in the pop up window as shown below:
3. Select a workspace and click Next.
4. Enter app manifest window will appear as shown below:
5. Update the App Name, display name for your slack app and the following manifest data in the Enter app manifest window as shown in the above image and click Next.