Installing SSD

This page provides instructions to install SSD. Follow the steps provided below to complete your SSD installation.


Before installing, make sure the following components are available and the setup is done as needed:

  • Kubectl (v4.5.7 or above)

  • Helm (v3.10.1 or above) installed in your local system

  • Git (2.25.1 or above) installed in your local system

Installation instructions:

Follow the steps given below for installing SSD in your environment.

  1. Create a namespace in the kubernetes cluster using the below command.

kubectl create namespace <namespace name>
  1. Clone the enterprise-ssd repository using the below command.

git clone
  1. Change directory to the enterprise-ssd using the below command

cd enterprise-ssd/charts/ssd
  1. Update the rcimages-values.yaml file as required. Specifically at least the SSD URL and OPA url.

  2. Now install SSD by executing the command given below.

helm install <release name> . -f rcimages-values.yaml -n <namespace name> --timeout=10m

Monitoring the installation process

Once the installation process is done, wait for all pods to stabilize (it takes about 10mins, depending on your cluster load). The "oes-config" in Completed status indicates completion of the installation process.

Check the status using the below command.

watch kubectl get po -n <namespace name>


If you face any issues while installation check the installation logs in debug mode and fix it. In case you are not able to fix the issues feel free to contact OpsMx support team.

Last updated