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The following figure depicts the information to be provided to add Amazon S3 as an integration.
Enter the information for the following fields:
Account Name: The name of your Amazon user account.
Access Key ID: Your AWS Access Key ID. If not provided, Halyard/Spinnaker will try to find AWS credentials as described in Using the Default Credential Provider Chain
Secret Access Key: Your AWS user Secret Key
Region: AWS region where the AWS S3 bucket is located.
API Endpoint: AWS S3 API Endpoint
API Region: AWS S3 API region
Validate: To validate the entries before saving, enable the Validate radio button. The default value is true
Connect to CD: Enable the selection & Select the spinnaker instance you want to associate this account to
Group and Permissions: To enable access to all user groups, check the Enable all access to all the groups for this checkbox. To provide access to only selected user groups, uncheck this checkbox and select the required users from the Select Group drop down and enable the needed permissions like Edit, View or Delete.
The following figure depicts the information to be provided to add Artifactory as an integration.
Enter the information for the following fields:
Account Name: The name of your Artifactory user account
Endpoint: The base URL through which your Artifactory search is reachable
Repo: The repo to be searched in your Artifactory
Repo Type: The package type of repo to be searched in your Artifactory
Group ID: The group id to be searched in your Artifactory
Authentication Type: Select the user authentication mode for Artifactory
User Name: Provide Artifactory user name
Token / Password: Provide Artifactory token or password, based on the authentication type selected
Validate: To validate the entries before saving, enable the Validate radio button. The default value is true
Connect to CD: Enable the selection & Select the spinnaker instance you want to associate this account to
Group and Permissions: To enable access to all user groups, check the Enable all access to all the groups for this checkbox. To provide access to only selected user groups, uncheck this checkbox and select the required users from the Select Group drop down and enable the needed permissions like Edit, View or Delete.
The following figure depicts the information to be provided to add Bitbucket Cloud as an integration.
Enter the information for the following fields:
Account Name: The name of your Bitbucket user account
Host URL: The base URL through which your Bitbucket search is reachable
API URL: Your organizations unique API URL
Authentication Type: Select Anonymous/Role-Based (No authentication required) as no authentication is required for bitbucket cloud
Validate: To validate the entries before saving, enable the Validate radio button. The default value is true
Connect to CD: Enable the selection & Select the spinnaker instance you want to associate this account to
Group and Permissions: To enable access to all user groups, check the Enable all access to all the groups for this checkbox. To provide access to only selected user groups, uncheck this checkbox and select the required users from the Select Group drop down and enable the needed permissions like Edit, View or Delete.
The following figure depicts the information to be provided to add Bitbucket Server as an integration.
Enter the information for the following fields:
Account Name: The name of your Bitbucket user account