Enabling Pipeline Insights and Stage Insights in ISD

Pipeline Insights and Stage Insights can be enabled in ISD Spinnaker. This requires few pre-installation and post installation steps to be followed as given below:


To enable the Pipeline Insights and Stage Insights (disabled by default) in the ISD, do the following changes in the values.yaml. (The complete values.yaml is available at: https://github.com/OpsMx/enterprise-spinnaker/tree/v4.0.4.3/charts/oes

  1. Enable Centralized Monitoring by setting the following value to true in the following configuration.

# Centralized Monitoring Configuration
   enableCentralMonitoring: true
  1. Enable Open Telemetry by setting the following value to true in the following configuration.

openTelemetry: true #Set this to true for displaying metrics data in grafana
  1. Enable Grafana (grafana:enabled: true). Update the values for domain, root_url, adminPassword, and grafana host as given below:

  adminUser: admin
  adminPassword: opsmxadmin123
      domain: isd.cve.opsmx.net
      root_url: https://isd.cve.opsmx.net/grafana
      serve_from_sub_path: true
      allow_embedding: true
  username: nonadminuser   #Non-admin username for Grafana UI access
  password: opsmxpassword123  #Non-admin password for Grafana UI acess
    enabled: true
      - ReadWriteOnce
    size: 10Gi
  ## Below is the block of code for Ingress
    enabled: true
    protocol: https
    host: grafana.cve.opsmx.net

        kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
        secretName: grafana-ingress 
  1. Enable Prometheus (prometheus:enabled: true) and also provide the host as given below:

#Prometheus URL configuration; url overwhich Prometheus will be accessed
    enabled: true
    protocol: https
    host: prometheus.cve.opsmx.net
        kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
        secretName: prometheus-ingress

Post Installation

After installation, make the following changes before accessing the insights pages in ISD.

  1. Access Grafana using the URL specified in the values.yaml file. (eg: https://grafana.xxx/grafana).

  1. Login to the Grafana URL with the given admin credentials as specified in values.yaml (eg: admin / opsmxadmin123)

  2. Create DataSource in Grafana by following the steps given below:

  • Click on the Toggle Menu and select Connections.

  • Select PrometheusAdd new data source.

  • Provide the Name and Prometheus server URL(eg: https://Prometheus).

  • Click Save.

  • You can see the generated UID in the browser URL (eg: bed11ea0-a802-4b67-9646-5d6f2194495f).

  • Take a copy of this DataSource UID to be replaced in the dashboard json file.

  1. Import the Dashboards in Grafana by following the steps given below:

  • Download the dashboard json files (pipelineinsights-dashboard.json and stageinsights-dashboard.json) from this link.

  • Replace the datasource-uid-for-isd-insights value with the DataSource UID captured in previous step (3)

  • Click on Toggle Menu and select Dashboards.

  • Click on New → select Import.

  • Click on Upload dashboard JSON file -> select the modified files and click Import.

  1. Create a non admin user (user with view_access) in Grafana.

  • Click on the toggle button and select Administration.

  • Select Users New User → enter the username and password (e.g. nonadminuser / opsmxpassword123 ) as provided in the values.yaml file during installation.

  • Click Create User.

To disable the Insights feature in ISD

The insights feature can be disabled if not required. Do the following changes in the oes-ui-config and oes-audit-service-config files to disable Insights using Grafana feature in ISD.

You can find the path to the app-config file is from this link.

  1. oes-ui-config

"grafana_enabled": false,

"grafanaPipelineInsightsEndpoint": "https://isdhost/grafana/d/pipeline-insight/pipeinsights",
"grafanaStageInsightsEndpoint": "https://isdhost/grafana/d/stage-insight/stageinsights"
  1. oes-audit-service-config

 enabled: false // should be true if we want enable grafana prometheus insights to the customer
 baseUrl: <PROTOCOL>://<ISD-URL> // isd url
 saporUrl: http://sapor-gate:8084 // sapor gate url

Last updated

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