Enabling Pipeline Insights and Stage Insights in ISD
Pipeline Insights and Stage Insights can be enabled in ISD Spinnaker. This requires few pre-installation and post installation steps to be followed as given below:
To enable the Pipeline Insights and Stage Insights (disabled by default) in the ISD, do the following changes in the values.yaml. (The complete values.yaml is available at: https://github.com/OpsMx/enterprise-spinnaker/tree/v4.0.4.2/charts/oes)
Once enabled, Prometheus and Grafana gets installed along with ISD.
Enable Centralized Monitoring by setting the following value to true in the following configuration.
Enable Open Telemetry by setting the following value to true in the following configuration.
Enable Grafana (grafana:enabled: true). Update the values for domain, root_url, adminPassword, and grafana host as given below:
Enable Prometheus (prometheus:enabled: true) and also provide the host as given below:
Post Installation
After installation, make the following changes before accessing the insights pages in ISD.
Access Grafana using the URL specified in the values.yaml file. (eg: https://grafana.xxx/grafana).
You need to append “/grafana” to the URL specified in values.yaml (under grafana section “host”)
Login to the Grafana URL with the given admin credentials as specified in values.yaml (eg: admin / opsmxadmin123)
Create DataSource in Grafana by following the steps given below:
Click on the Toggle Menu and select Connections.
Select Prometheus → Add new data source.
Provide the Name and Prometheus server URL(eg: https://Prometheus).
Click Save.
You can see the generated UID in the browser URL (eg: bed11ea0-a802-4b67-9646-5d6f2194495f).
Take a copy of this DataSource UID to be replaced in the dashboard json file.
Import the Dashboards in Grafana by following the steps given below:
Download the dashboard json files (pipelineinsights-dashboard.json and stageinsights-dashboard.json) from this link.
Replace the datasource-uid-for-isd-insights value with the DataSource UID captured in previous step (3)
Click on Toggle Menu and select Dashboards.
Click on New → select Import.
Click on Upload dashboard JSON file -> select the modified files and click Import.
Create a non admin user (user with view_access) in Grafana.
Grafana non admin user credentials are used by ISD for auto login (when Pipeline Insights or Stage Insights page is accessed)
Click on the toggle button and select Administration.
Select Users → New User → enter the username and password (e.g. nonadminuser / opsmxpassword123 ) as provided in the values.yaml file during installation.
Click Create User.
To disable the Insights feature in ISD
The insights feature can be disabled if not required. Do the following changes in the oes-ui-config and oes-audit-service-config files to disable Insights using Grafana feature in ISD.
Last updated
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