Add Policy Gate

A gate is an access point which allows you to stop the pipeline to automatically go to the next stage. A gate helps you to manually intervene and verify or approve a stage of the pipeline before moving on to the next stage in sequence. Adding a Gate in ISD allows you to either automate your pipeline based on data from supported data sources. There are four types of gates you can add:

  • Approval

  • Verification

  • Test Verification

  • Policy

Policy Gate

A policy gate is a gate that checks for compliance with certain policies whether automatically, or done by a human.

You can add a Approval Gate after creating a service and pipeline to the application. To add a Policy Gate follow the steps below:

If you haven’t created an application already, click here.

If you haven’t created your pipelines yet, click here.

  1. From the ISD application dashboard, Click "Setup" --> Click "Applications" and then Click your "Application Name" as shown in the image below. This will take you to the Service Pipelines page.

2. In the below image, a pipeline deploy to dev has been created along with the service. Click the "deploy to dev" pipeline to make changes to the pipeline. After clicking, the following options will appear and click "Add New Gate":

3. Next, you get the option to select the type of gate you want to add as shown in the image below:

4. Select the gate type as "Policy", you will be able to select the Policy from the Policy Configuration field as shown below:

To know more on Policy click here.

Last updated